Course curriculum

    1. Program Structure

    2. Program Structure

    3. Data Analytics

    4. Data Analytics

    5. Data Roles

    6. Let's Start

    7. Survey


    2. Computing & Storage

    3. Computing & Storage

    4. Data Tools

    5. Data Tools

    6. Data Tools

    1. Excel for Data Analysis

    2. Formulas & Statistics Functions

    3. Statistics functions Practice_1

    4. Statistics functions Practice_2

    5. Statistics functions-data file

    6. VLookup

    7. Text & Data Functions_ Sat lecture

    8. Text & Date Functions

    9. Assignment-1

    10. Pivot Table Creation

    11. Move Pivot Table

    12. IMDb_Movie_Database

    13. Pivot table creation _1_QUIZ

    14. Pivot Table Conditional format

    15. Pivot Table Sorting Data

    16. Pivot Table -Filters

    17. Date Segmentation

    18. Pivot Table - filter- Quiz

    19. Pivot Tale Aggregation

    20. Pivot Table - Show value as

    21. Pivot Table - Calculated fields

    22. Pivot Table - Aggregation & Calc Values -2- Quiz

    23. Pivot Chart

    24. Pivot Chart Quiz -3

    25. Assignment -Part-1

    26. Assignment-Part-2

    1. Lecture_1_Introduction

    2. Table Creation and Select statment

    3. Table Creation -2

    4. SQL server & SSMS Installation

    5. SQL_Lesson2-Part1

    6. Relationships

    7. Entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) symbols

    8. SQL - Database -Quiz_1

    9. SQL_Lesson2-Part2

    10. adventureworks ERD

    11. SQL_Select_Statement_Quiz2

    12. SQL_Lesson2-Part3

    13. Symbolic Logic and Truth Tables

    14. SQL_Logic & Truth_quiz3

    15. SQL_Lesson2_Part4

    16. SQL_Sortting_Aggregation_Quiz4

    17. SQL_Lesson2_Part5

    18. SQL-Group_BY_Quiz5

    19. SQL _Lession3_Part1_Join-Vid

    20. SQL _Lesson3_Part1_Join

    21. SQl_Lesson3_Part2_join

    22. All Queries

    23. SQL -JOIN- Quiz1

    24. SQl_Lesson3_Part3_Temp_Table

    25. Practice

    26. SQL_Lecture3_Part4_CASE_VIEW


    28. SQL_ Final_ Assignment

    29. Aggregate+Function+Practice+Problems

    30. ORDER+BY+Clause+Practice+Problems

    31. CASE+Statement+Problems

    1. Power BI _ Lecture1_Part1

    2. Power BI _ Lecture1_Part2

    3. Power BI _ Lecture1_Part3

    4. Power BI _ Lecture2_Part1

    5. Power BI _ Lecture2_Part2

    6. Power BI _ Lecture2_Part3

    7. Assignment_1 Data Model

    8. Power BI _ Lecture2_Part4

    9. Assignment_2_Data Model

    10. Assignments Solutions

    11. PowerBI_Lecture3_Part1

    12. PowerBI_Lecture3_Part2

    13. PowerBI_Lecture3_Part3

    14. Quiz DAX-1

    15. PowerBI_Lecture3_Part4

    16. PowerBI_Lecture4_Part1

    17. PowerBI_Lecture4_Part2

    18. PowerBI_Lecture4_Part3

    1. Project delivery Process

    2. Final Project Requirements

About this course

  • 90 lessons
  • 24 hours of video content

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